This App manages the contact, fees and payment information for a local road association. The App runs on a desktop (or laptop) computer and uses shared Google spreadsheets as a means of collecting payment and contact information from the Treasurer and Secretary of the Association.
- Keeps contact and property info for landowners
- Calculates fees based on certain variables
- Generates and emails invoices tailored to each landowner
- Maintains year to year balances for each landowner
- Tracks fees due and payments made for each landowner
- Imports payment information from Google Sheets (cloud based spreadsheet updated by the treasurer)
- Imports contact info updates from Google Sheets (maintained by the Secretary)
- Generates reports such as listing of past due amounts, list of who lives on each lane, total collected etc.
A local resident buys wine by the case and shares it with his friends. Before ordering he surveys his list of purchasers to determine who wants how many bottles from each case. After the case(s) arrive, he arranges delivery of the right number of bottles from each case to each person, and calculates the amount owed (the wine is not free!).
- Maintains a list of purchasers
- Logs details of each case purchased
- Logs who ordered what, and number of bottles
- Creates list of deliveries and amounts owed
- Reports on history of purchases by person, type of wine, dates etc.
This App logs the details of all maintenance done on his vehicle. The garage, mileage and repair/maintenance details from each invoice is entered manually. Some line items are ‘tagged’ to allow summary reporting. This allows reports to be generated showing costs per month/year, lists of oil changes with mileages, dates for new tires, new brakes, body work, taxes paid, etc.
- Maintains a list of all repair invoices
- Allows data entry of each line item from the invoice
- Allows invoices and line items to be ‘tagged’, or categorized
- Generates reports based on tags, such as oil changes, or brake maintenance, or body work
- Generates reports of monthly costs, or amount paid to each garage, or most expensive repair, or worst month, or list of maintenance items with mileage, etc